Shark Hovering over an Ocean Reef

shark hovering over an ocean reef

This image can be an intimidating experience for divers who may find themselves underneath sharks that are roaming over reefs and wrecks.

When you see pictures of sharks, what is the first instinct or impulse that your feel? Do feel scared or afraid, or do you sense how amazing sharks really are in the natural world? While there are hundreds, if not thousands of different shark species around the world, the sheer numbers roaming our waters are not nearly at the levels of just 5 years ago. Many environmental groups, scientists and citizens are concerned that the existence of many shark species are threatened with extinction unless current fishing levels are stabilized and reduced.

This awesome creature is famous for its fins in many parts of the world, and poaching them for their fins continues even today. While there is no doubt that there are many shark attacks reported, and (not reported) each year, the shark really is not out looking to hunt humans as their next meal. In fact, many scientists believe that sharks do not enjoy the taste of human flesh. However, it does not mean that humans are not attacked. Quite the contrary, when the attacks are examined, it appears that the shark has mistaken the human for a seal or other natural food source they seek. Also many attacks occur at low light of the early morning or late evening when visibility is lessened. Also, many times these attacks occur in the vicinity of large bait fish schools that may be providing their next meal. If you are swimming or surfing it is best to follow the instructions and guidance of the local beach patrol. Do not venture out alone.

With all of that being said, many species of sharks make for a great gamefish that is sought after for the fight it makes. Sportfishing can take many forms and this can be one of the most exciting fishing experiences you may ever have in your lifetime. Just make sure to fish for these creatures with a fishing guide or expert. Fish and dive with caution and never put them in the boat with you.

Photo credit: Shark image from sxc.

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