Wednesday, March 26, 2025


World’s Largest Great White Shark? See What You Think!

Is this the world's largest Great White Shark? Watch this video and see what you think! The amazing video showcases 'Deep Blue'. This is believed to be the biggest Great White Shark ever filmed or seen. For that matter, maybe the biggest shark of any kind. The...


Misty Grouper, Hyporthodus mystacinus

The Misty grouper, (Hyporthodus mystacinus), is a somewhat mysterious grouper species because most fishermen may have never seen or heard of this fish by...

Reef Triggerfish

The reef triggerfish, (humuhumunukunukuapuaʻa) is Hawaii's official state fish. Enjoy this gallery of beautiful pictures, images and facts about the colorful ocean species. This is...
do fish feel pain

Do Fish Feel Pain? Maybe.

Most fishermen and divers do not typically worry about, do fish feel pain? However, many of us have been out on the water, and...
Barracuda on the Hunt

List of Pelagic Fish Species in the Gulf of Mexico

Just for fun, here is a list of Pelagic Fish species in the Gulf of Mexico. As you might expect, a pelagic fish is one...

Goliath Grouper Aggregation, Jupiter, Florida

OK everyone. I could not resist posting this short but awesome video of a goliath grouper aggregation in the waters off Jupiter, Florida. Controversial? Yes. But...

Florida Spiny Lobster Season – What You Need to Know

The Florida spiny lobster season is a time of year that is eagerly anticipated. Fishermen and divers from all over the state, and even across the country come down to the Florida Keys area to load up on delicious lobsters. While it can be a...

Artificial Reefs

The Kraken Reef off Galveston, TX

Fewer things conjure the imagination more than mythical beasts. Well, now their is 'The Kraken Reef' off of the coast of Galveston, TX. Fishermen...

Diving the Kodiak Queen Wreck – with Kraken Monster Sculpture

Is this the world's first artificial reef that is also an art exhibit? Diving the Kodiak Queen wreck is sure to be on the...
Artificial Reef Photo

Charlotte County FL Reefs and Wrecks – GPS Coordinates

See this list of Charlotte County FL reefs and wrecks locations. Get GPS coordinates and general information about the fishing or diving spots. This area...
Artificial Reef - Concrete Tetrahedron Modules

34 NRDA Reef Modules Sunk in Old Casino Reef Area – GPS Coordinates –...

The Old Casino Reef site off Pensacola Beach, FL has been given new life. The summer of 2017 saw the completion of 34 artificial...

Featured Dive Site

Diving Raja Ampat – Amazing Indonesia Dive Destination

Diving Raja Ampat must be amazing! The West Papua, Indonesian archipelago is made up of more than 600 islands. There are even more if add in the numerous shoals and cays. Such a diverse marine environment. Unlike virtually anywhere else on earth. There are more...